Friday, October 23, 2009

Welcome to the new Go Center blog!

The 'Go Center'? What's that? It's where you can go to find out everything you ever wanted to know about college!

What does the Go Center offer? Lots!
1) College brochures
2) Information on careers
3) Information on standardized tests you take in high school (SAT, PSAT, ACT, etc.)
4) Computers with which you can surf the net to look up colleges and careers!
5) Free one-on-one consultation with Ms. Chang, the Go Center Coordinator, about finding a school or career best suited for you

If you're interested in setting up an appointment (before, during, or after school on Tuesdays, Wednesday afternoons, and Fridays), please let Ms. Chang know (drop by the Go Center or email her at

Otherwise, feel free to drop by the Go Center on Tuesdays, Wednesday afternoons, and Fridays if you have any questions about college or careers!

The Go Center is located in the Black Middle School Student Center (by the back parking lot). Swing on by when you have the chance, because it's never too early to start thinking about college!

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